

With God We Are Victorious.



I've decided to loosen control over my life, for it is only an illusion, and turn it over to God. Maybe I've said this a lot, but really, I have not actually done it.

No matter what we do to avoid or prepare, fate is predetermined by God, so what we must do first is to pray to Him. In another sense, believe.

I've always considered myself to be realistic. Which I felt was unfortunately synonymous to "pessimistic". But I've come to realize that, to some point, I wasn't really being realistic.

On tests and everyday problems, I'd always have the mindset that, no matter what the odds were - whether in or not in my favor - I was going to FAIL. Now, I'm sure you've all heard that if you think you're going to fail, you most likely are. But the way I thought of it was that if you expect to fail, then it makes failing easier to bear and not failing more joyful. Also, it might make you work harder not to fail. Kind of like if plans are expected to fail, and you plan to fail, then you might succeed. You know what I mean? Maybe not...But anyways, of course this is not always the case.

But then, like typical Asians, we are expected and expect ourselves to succeed. Even if you say you're going to fail, you don't really, truly believe that. You want to succeed. You expect to succeed. You need to succed. At least that's what we think.

And then, when failure comes, you get all sad and angry at yourself. You should have studied more. You should have worked harder. You should have blahblahblah whatever. You should have succeeded.

And that is where the flaw is.

You know how we say "Nobody is perfect," "We are only human," and "We all make mistakes?"

Well, if that is true, then why do we not accept failure? Why must we strive for perfection? It doesn't exist! Nobody is perfect. Blahblahblah. We still seem to believe that perfection is achievable. We believe that we can be different from everyone else.

"Nobody is perfect. (But I am.)"

"We are only human. (But I'm not.)"

"We all make mistakes. (Except for me.)"

Do you get what I'm saying?

No one can be superhuman.

Not to say that I accept failure easily. Not to say that accepting failure is generally easy.

We face failure many times in our life. And if we dwell on our past failures, we are only missing out on other opportunities. Opportunities that God, by His grace, gives us.

But believe you me, this is as much for my ears (or, uh, eyes) as it is for yours. Don't even try to tell me that accepting failure is easy.

What all of this means is that if we expect to be 100% all the time, we think ourselves as God. Which, of course is definitely the wrong way of thinking. Even if it is subconscious.

However, knowing that you will fail every once in a while, does not mean that you cannot prepare yourselves for a particular challenge. It only means that you will accept whatever result God has given you, and that you will learn from the whole experience. Accepting failure betters yourself to learn and grow, emmulating and exalting Christ in whatever we do.

We may prepare the horse for battle, but it is God who makes us victorious.





"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD." - Proverbs 21:31


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