As you know, the Navajo Mission Trip this year will be from July 11-19th, and we are currently preparing for it.

Well, I just kind of felt inclined to let you all know what's been going on.

At the meeting Saturday, Mrs. Manning gave us some basic instructions and also told us about costs for food and where we'll be eating and etc.

She also gave us a packing list, which was basically the same as last year.

And also, she gave out th job assignments.

Guess what I got?

I got Tribal Leader. Well, we call the groups "Families" instead of "Tribes," to fit the theme...

I don't really remember all the family names, since we gave the "family leader" books back to Mrs. Manning after we looked it over briefly...

Some of them are Pompius, Tiberius, Maxemus, Cassius, and Aurealius(I probably mispelled it...), but there are 12 families, just like last year there were 12 tribes.

I don't know why they put me as family leader...maybe it's because I've been a tribal leader in last year's VBS.

Anyways, we were all surprised when Allen didn't get Pre-K helper as his job.

Instead, he's a shopkeeper, along with another person whom I don't recognize and who was not at the meeting. They'll be working in the architect shop. Allen said that they were going to use ice cubes, and we were all like huh? what? in the car (Roger and Karen drove us to Shawn's home, since our parents were at the thing at O'Fallon). But then Allen said that it might have been sugar cubes, not ice cubes....I'm guessing that it's supposed to be sugar cubes and they make stuff out of them...

Anyways, since this year's them is different, the shops are also different. The theme for this year is something like Rome, and Paul's Underground Church.

The program is by the same group (?) that made (? came up with?) the Jerusalem Marketplace thing. Holy Land Adventure or something like that...So because of that, the format is basically the same. Meaning, there's going to be the drama part, recreation, the shops part, and the groups/families/tribes part. Even the books for the group/family/tribal leaders look pretty much the same format-wise.

Anyways, the shops are:

  • Bakery
  • Architect
  • Wreath Making/Corn Hust Dolls
  • Candlemaking (Dan Tuck lol)
  • Scribe/Letter Delivery (still not really sure what that is or if it's actually a shop...)
  • Leather Shop (making wristbands and pouches, I think it was...)
  • Drum Making

And Shawn will be Rec. Assistant, with Robert (Cris's brother) as the lead person. Oh, and recreation this year is supposedly called "Olympic Training" lol

This year, there are 44 (I think) people going on the Navajo Mission Trip, which is about the same as last year.

This year, the group is comprised of mostly older people.

Shawn, Allen, and I are the youngest there that will actually be "working." However, Allen and I have already been on the trip (we went last year) and have helped in VBS. Shawn has also helped in VBS. So, that pretty much makes up for the age lol

Although most of the people going are more mature and older, there will be four little kids coming along the trip.

The little kids are Gabe (Josh and Sarah Tao's kid), Elly (no idea whose kid this is), and Addie (Pat and Gloria Yao's kid). And another kid whom I forgot/Mrs. Manning maybe didn't mention/is not on the sheet.

I don't know how much you guys know about the trip, but I'm sure most of you know that at first, there was only a very small amount of people planning to go on the trip. Before, Pat (from California) had said that he wasn't able to form a group to go to Navajo again this year. But after some time, I guess he was able to find people to go.

Josh, Austin, and Irene will be going again, along with three other people from Cali.

So Emily and Albert are the only ones of the Cali people (from last year) who aren't going...

Anyways...Praise the Lord for bringing so many people to participate in the trip!

Oh, and along with all this, Mrs. Manning reminded us that we need to fnd prayer partners, which are basically people who will pray for us while we're on the trip. Each person needs at least two. Would someone like to help?

Prayer Requests For The Team (as taken off of the sheet of paper Mrs. Manning gave us):

  • Pray that we would prepare our hearts for the mission and depend on God completely
  • Pray thathe Navajo parents would allow the children to come and that the children would have a desire to come
  • Pray for an effective ministry and church growth from VBS ministry
  • Pray that we would be able to interact, provide services, and effectively share the Gospel with the Navajo
  • Pray for strength and safety for all team members
  • Pray for unity & spiritual growth among all team members
  • And please pray specifically for me in my serving as:   Family Leader   


If you can pray for me and everyone going on the trip, that would help immensely :)

We're going to need a lot of prayer after all.

Also, while we're there, we won't be able to call home...just letting you guys know...

I think that's pretty much everything for now.

I'm out.



"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel...Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, I should."
 - Ephesians 6:19, 20

"'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty."
 - Zechariah 4:6

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