
Reminds me of java, and binary numbers lol...


Ten Friends!

Would you rather go drinking with Helen Phung or Nancy Lin?
Nancy, since I know her better?

Have you ever had a deep conversation with Lily Chen ?
Sure. Lol.

Has Joshy Washy Yangy  ever told you that they love you?

What about Bryan Peng  makes you smile?
When he says something amusing, which isn't that often since I don't really talk to him.

Does Judy Chen have a nice body?
She's thin. Maybe, to guys.

Who is more likely to become famous, Phillip Hsu or Christine Cui?
Not sure. Christine would most likely want to become famous.

Do you know anyone who likes Shawn He?
No lol.

Has Eric Hsu ever broken your heart?
There was that one time....JK. No.

Have you ever had a dream with Christine Cui in it?
Maybe, I don't really remember.

Is Bryan Peng one of your best friends?

If you could change one thing about Shawn He, what would it be?
Hm, that he'd stop talking about me "playing Center"

Have you ever felt like getting revenge on Helen Phung?

Would you rather kiss Nancy Lin or Joshy Washy Yangy?
I'm not gay...Josh

Is Judy Chen attractive?
To guys, probably.

Would you ever date Phillip Hsu?
Same answer as last time. And I guess no, not right now.

Would you rather date Lily Chen or Eric Hsu?
I'm not gay...Eric

What is Lily Chen's favorite band?
Not sure..She likes Linkin Park, Evanescence, and a lot of other bands that I don't really feel like listing out right now...

What's the nicest thing Christine Cui has ever said to you?
She's said a lot of nice things? Lol "you look sexy" was the most recent one.

What is Shawn He's worst pet peeve?
Sam. Lol.

Would Eric Hsu and you ever go on a date?
Wouldn't be possible. No.

If Joshy Washy Yangy won $1,000,000 what would they do with it?
Spend some, and save some hopefully lol. Maybe buy a new laptop, go on a vacation?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how hot is Phillip Hsu?
LOL. 10 out of 10! (it's a song by2PM)

Have you ever seen Helen Phung really drunk?
No, I have not

Has Nancy Lin ever asked you out?

Does Bryan Peng swear a lot?
Not sure, don't think so.

What was your first impression of Judy Chen?
Quiet, didn't catch what she said her name was at first.

Would Helen Phung go out with Christine Cui?
No, they aren't gay.

When do you expect to see Lily Chen next?
Tomorrow lol

What's unique about Bryan Peng?
He likes cars a lot? At least for an asian...

Have you and Shawn He ever kissed?

Do you miss Phillip Hsu?
Not really? He's coming over tomorrow anyways lol



Apparently Josh is bringing a turkey tomorrow?


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