Winter break was really fun. Looking forward to spring break lol.

Today...was one of the longest days ever...

All in all, I guess school wasn't too bad.

Just long..and boring..

And got a lot of homework...

Hopefully everyone had a relatively good first day back, or will have a relatively good one.

I'm going to try to update every day, even if just for a few sentences.

Maybe it'll establish some order in my life lol.

Today I have physics homework, lit homework (reading Ethan Frome, which is due Friday - she changed the date to a weekend earlier. The other one I'm already done with, though I'll probably look it over tomorrow since it's a C-day class), calc homework (but I have tonight and tomorrow night for this section), and gov homework. Homework for gov consists of group questions and that one stupid comparative government packet. Just troublesome and time-consuming...And on thursday, we have vocab words due. Lol, I got Helen Li's comparative gov book..

Started slope fields in calculus. Drawing the graphs is a bit time-consuming. Lol in class, we were all like ugh....doing the simple multiplication.

For physics, we didn't really do anything except look at our final exam, talk about Avatar a little, and talk about density and pressure by fluids. A lot of the stuff probably wasn't that important...

Dang, I need to remember to put in filler paper before I run out. Thanks Phillip, for lending me some. Although I only needed it in Physics...

For lit, all we did was go into the writing center (my computer took forever to load) and print out lyrics of a song to start out the poetry unit. Well, of course the song has to be school-appropriate content-wise and had to contain some literary devices. I chose to do one of Evanescence's songs, since her songs are basically like poetry put into music. I could've also done Linkin Park, but I knew that there was no way I'd understand the what they're trying to say. I chose one of Evanescence's less emo songs lol. Well, it's supposedly "goth metal" or something. Don't really remember, but it was "goth" something. Saw it before on the genre category for the Open Door Album on Windows Media Player on my computer...Lol Adante is in our class now. He sits next to Eric..

I chose the song "Imaginary," since I actually know what it's talking about lol. But yeah...that assignment was pretty easy. Finished 90% of it in class. Probably have to look at it over, since my paragraph on the difference between prose and poetry is kind of crappy.

In Spanish, we just looked over final exam. Talked about the reading section of it, then went into groups to discuss what we thought was the right answer, without getting our exams back. We had about five minutes to "chill" at the end of class.

Lunch was interesting. Sat by myself. But then a bunch of white girls came over. Bleh. Basically just ignored them the entire time.

Orchestra was as usual. My violin wasn't too out of tune...actually pretty close. Boring. Sat in the same seat as last semester. Talked about private vs public and about static vs nonstatic. Lily's in our class now! Yay lol.

Calc..already mentioned above.

Government was pretty boring. Worked on that worksheet the whole time, using those CIA information packets. Rather inefficient, I would say. Oh well...

My dad picked me up around 3:45 or something. Just worked on gov and calc the whole time, since I didn't have my physics stuff with me.

I realized that there's a person named "Eric" in all of my classes except Calc. But Eric (the one we all know) kind of takes that class anyways lol.

But yeah....that's about it for my oh-so-exciting day at school. I bet you really needed to know all of that..








Love...sometimes you have to let go, and hope that he comes back to you...










The lyrics for "Imaginary":


Paper flowers
Paper flowers

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name
Let me stay where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
(Paper flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
(Paper flowers)

Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos, your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
(Paper flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
(Paper flowers)

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
(Paper flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
(Paper flowers)

Paper flowers
Paper flowers

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