
We will wait patiently, and that day, we will know.

Right now, we still have time.

No matter what, I will always consider myself to have been very Lucky.



Tiring week...

A huge stack of papers for review > the actual content I need to review > time to do it > motivation to do it = 0.00


I suppose it's always like that at the end of the year.

You get so sick of things, and they deteriorate.

I'm glad my best friends will always be there though.

You know who you are ;)


The world is falling apart...

But that is only an illusion.

One goes based on how one perceives things to be, thus it must not be always the right way, or even the best way.

Slowly, I am coming to terms to the world before my eyes.

To the situation I'm in; that this is not the end.

I'm hopeful.

God will bring me through this.




I've always thought about how I would like to redo this year all over again.

In retrospect, I don't think I would want that now.

This year has taught me things and has brought me experiences and memories that I don't wish to lose.

And I'm forever glad to those of you who took the time to care (or at least pretend to listen =P) about my mostly self-induced myriad of problems, as well as all of my anitcs and idiosyncracies. Hehe you know what I mean =)




Hm..usually I end up at a point different than from where I started. But although I have meaning in my words, these posts never really are directed toward one specific thing. I usually let my thoughts roam freely in my mind and let my fingers roam across the keyboard, occasionally hitting the 'a' or 'w' key a few times and other insolent keys on my very archaic laptop.

I guess to sum it all up (the body of the post, at least)...

Yes, everything around has been very stressful, and it will undoubtedly only get even more stressful, BUT (lol transition word!) I'm going to have a more positive way in dealing.

And if things blow over badly, one just has to clean up the fan, learn what not to do next time and what to do, and move on with the lesson in mind.

Lol I don't want to sound preachy (I hope I don't lol)

But I had a sudden urge to put this out there. Maybe it would help someone, maybe not.

I'm not sure when I realized, maybe it was yesterday, maybe it was sometime throughout the day, maybe it was while typing up this post...but I realized that after everything...

I will be okay.


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