
School is wearing me thin.

And it's only been a week...





God, please give me the stamina to run this race..














My teachers aren't too horrible. I guess I've always had the longer end of the stick in that aspect lol..

Homework everyday, but I guess it's a reasonable amount.

Everything is really starting to kick in. fun..

At least we'll be going to San Francisco, hopefully


Bringing lunches is sorta fun. I'll probably lose steam though lol. Eh.


Remembering my love. Jeremy, and Shin Woo. Sigh.. <3

I try not to gush too much, but well....







Though life isn't a dream, we still can live happily, right?






To those who have left, a goodbye






I'm glad that we were able to spend the last few moments reliving and making interesting memories :)












You, I'm sorry we hadn't ended on better terms..


Part of that is my fault


Wish you the best in whatever you do and wherever you go in life



















































: ]


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