


Tell Me Goodbye

Sigh today...soo long...

Heaven (Candlelight Remix)

So in chem today, we finished the preparation of the standardization of NaOH. Fun....not.

Titrating is so tedious. Maybe we were too careful...oh well, at least we got good data and a nice, accurate looking titration curve.

Probably more than half of zero hour was spent with Bolton showing us how to do the lab, and the rest of the chem megablock was spent doing the lab. We had about 10 minutes to spare, after everyone in the class finished and got cleaned up.

100 Years

Apparently Bolton actually does hate first hour. Well, probably not hate, but he gets annoyed at that class a lot, apparently.

Breaking two Buchner funnels probably doesn't help with his opinion of them lol

Bolton was telling someone (not a person in our class, idr who) about how our class was much better than first hour since first hour is really noisy and wasted too much time and whatever.

When I asked Ellen next hour in Lang, she told me that yesterday they wasted so much time because Bolton honestly forgot how to work Labpro or whatever. So she, Nevatha, and Ravali (I think) helped Bolton and they did the entire lab while everyone else watched. Apparently first hour also lost their lab priviliges and now they have to watch Bolton do the lab and don't get to do them themselves....Sigh. Idk if I should be envious lol.

Let It Rock

In Lang, we just went over phrases. Once again, we didn't finish all that the teacher planned, so yeah...It feels like we're always behind on her schedule. It's not even all of our fault..Eh well...

Sigh...paper due next Monday. Was going to be due this Friday...thank God it's not anymore. I have no clue what type of paper I'm supposed to write for the reading circle....Gay.


Lunch...nothing very interesting. Oh, I noticed however, that today we had toasted ravioli and tater tots.

Yesterday we had toasted ravioli and tater tots.

I got the quesadilla.

Good Girl Bad Girl

Orchestra was pretty much the same as any other day. Bleh.

Lol the South Korean guy who moved to America lilke five days before transferring to Marquette and symphonic orchestra about two weeks ago or so has interesting hair. Meredith and Danielle were talking about him and "how hot he is" (they were probably joking) the day he transferred, before I actually saw him in fourth hour. Yeah, he has interesting hair. I don't think I'd call him hot though lol. I don't know him well enough to really say anything anyways.

Your Love is My Drug

In Spanish, we found that our teacher was absent. We knew that she was going to be "sick" on Friday, since she has some sort of dance performance that day, but obviously, today wasn't and still isn't Friday (to my dismay). Apparently she took a day off since she wanted to be with a friend who was going through surgery. I rolled my eyes at the large collection of awwww's from a large portion of the female students.

We had to work with the person sitting next to us and read an article about saffron and answer the multiple choice questions about the passage, and read another article about tea and fill in the blanks.

Yeah, that was not entertaining at all.

Chasing Cars

Ugh Stats. So boring...I doodled the majority of the time, paying about 25% attention to what Thompson was saying. We were supposed to have the free response part of the quiz today, but she gave a lesson instead. Wtf. She never even told us that we were going to do that today. Ugh there's seriously like no schedule in that class. She spent like 5 minutes talking about passive agressiveness and the passive agressiveness of her fifth hour, and how she wasted 10 minutes discussing passive agressiveness with her fifth hour. Great...I care so much about that.

We never got around to the free response quiz, if that's what we were supposed to do after "learning."


Econ. Snore.

It feels like we're going so slowly in this class.

Hey There Delilah

The last test we took in that class was like a week ago...I think last Tuesday or Wednesday, actually. And the test over our next section is next Thursday...

I've noticed for quite a while I guess, but Johnston's a lot better at teaching AP Econ than teaching AP Gov. Last chapter's test I didn't even read the book, but I still got a 98. That could mean that either Johnston's really good at teaching those chapters, or she's doing it straight from the book.

Could be both, I guess.

You Belong With Me

Oh, I hear the car doors closing. Must mean my parents are back from Parent-Teacher conferences.

I expect to hear a lot of "She's doing well, but she's too quiet."


Oh, Nancy got asked to homecoming by an unlikely person. You guys probably don't know him though, so I won't mention anything besides that he's a white guy. He's in my econ class. And concert orchestra, I think.

Which reminds me, Josh, Lily, you guys going to homecoming? You guys should definitely come to Marquette's homecoming together. I mean, we've talked about this like evey year except freshman year, and Josh never got to come to homecoming with us. Plus, it's senior year. Homecoming's in like October, right?

A Night in Paris. Interesting theme, I guess. It seems somewhat cliched though. Not sure why.

But yeah, we should go. (I'll make you.)



Ugh bio...I feel so ugh toward all my classes. Bleh.

I should work on the study guide...Sigh...Even though we have a calendar for that class, I'm still confused as to what we're doing the next time I have class. Not sure when the next test is either. Stupid.



I had another weird dream last night.

But seriously, when are dreams NOT weird?

I know it included something with a yellow bird, and I was laying down and kind of half-heartedly tried to catch it or let it land on my hand. And then it actually did land on my hand. Then people who were laying some distance around me wanted to take pictures of it, so they did...And apparently some people were using some sort of camera like a webcam that allowed it to be broadcasted to other places, and the view shifted so that I saw other people in other countries taking a picture of the bird on the videos from the webcam things. Weird.

Nowhere near as weird as the night before lol.

It had black people in it, and people that you know in it. In fact, you might be in it.

I think at one point the people from The Office were in it too.

It was strange.

Gimme the Light

Well...I'm done.


If you couldn't figure out, there are song titles in here that correspond with the songs that I was listening to at the moment, although I altered the placement of the titles so that it would flow better. They were just a shuffle of my favorited songs.

The title I added later, after I realized I didn't have one. Up & Down is a song by SHINee.

I'm surpressing my urge to gush. >3<



So yeah..I'm done for today.

Or right now.

I'm out.



Love the Way You Lie


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