Four more days of school left!

Well, less, if you count the half days as half in half of a school day...

Three day weekend! Yay...

Except we have finals right after we come back..

The only one I actually kind of need to study for/review is chemistry, which shouldn't be too hard..

Today in AP Euro, we had a fiesta. A lot of people wore sombreros.

And by the way, we didn't watch Schindler's List. We watched this documentary about Auschwitz-Birkenau, a Nazi concentration camp in Poland during WWII, I think. But we stopped watching that (thankfully) and started to watch Hotel Rwanda, which is about the Hutus and the Tutsis in some part of Africa (Rwada, probably), and the genocide and mass killing that happened there in 1994, if I'm not mistaken. We started watching it yesterday and haven't finished it yet. The other choices were 1) to continue watching the Auschwitz documentary 2) watch Animal Farm, which is about something in Russia 3) watch The Manchurian Candidate, which is about like some Communits brainwashing a presidential candidate or something for an election and 4) watch Hotel Rwanda.

Talked to Mr. Cook today. Creeeeeeeepy creepy Spanish III teacher.

I was going to talk to him after lunch, but he wasn't there. So I just waited until Carter, a friend in my Chem and Pre-Calc class who has the class that hour, came.

But before the bell rang and before Carter came, Mr. Cook appeared and entered his room. I was too afraid of him to go inside the room and talk about Spanish III exemption, so I just waited.

And then when Carter finally showed up, she helped me tell Mr. Cook that I wanted to test out of Spanish III.

I was so relieved after it was over.

I felt really happy that I was finally able to get the Spanish III material.

Also that I wouldn't have to see that scary teacher until next week to get the books and stuff.

Trust me, he's creepy. If you've ever seen him, you would know.

According to Carter, he sometimes says "Like, como chicos, you know."

And he apparently translated Womanizer by Brittany Spears into Spanish.


At least it gives me more motivation to test out of Spanish III so that I wouldn't have to get this aweful teacher.

In Pre-Calc, we didn't really do anything, since Carter and I are exempt.

Jubin and Emily showed us this "freshman family tree" chart that was on the back of Jubin's biology notes (well, someone else's, according to Jubin). It was a very very messed up family tree. It had incest, polygamy, gayness, divorce, creepy alien babies, and affairs. Freshmen have weird minds.

Then Emily asked me go with her to talk to Mr. Cook, since she's afraid of him too.


We tried asking Carter to tell him for her, but she apparently had a flute lesson.

So in exchange for helping her talk to Mr. Creeper, I got to share the AP Calculus Review book with her. Woot. Too bad it's Barron's. She bought it from Jubin. For five dollars. What a rip off for Jubin. Oh well, he probably found it or something...don't really remember how he got it.

After helping her talk with Mr. Creeper, we had graduation practice.

It went okay.

Not much to practice really, except go over everything Mr. Winter told us last rehearsal, since there were a lot of people who weren't there last rehearsal.

Nothing else really happened that was notable...

Memorial Day weekend (+Friday):

Friday Evening - Impact, and for my parents, a joint fellowship (basically the fellowships that had been made from the split of the old one) kind of thing. Not really sure what to call it. But the family that we had visited in Florida last winter break is visiting, so I guess it's like a party for them...

Saturday evening - Going to David Z's house for one of those Asian-Christian house parties/gatherings. Basically a party with our two fellowships. I don't really want to go. I'd rather stay home.

Sunday - Church. At 4pm, I have to be at Marquette. And from Marquette, to the Chaifetz(sp?) Arena at SLU for the graduation ceremony, since symphonic orchestra is playing in it, along with marching band (I think) and chamber choir (I think). The permission slip says we'll be returning by 8:15. While this is going on, my parents and Allen are going to Zack's house for barbeque. Lol. They invited us. We were supposed to be going to Shawn's house, but it was cancelled. 

Monday evening (Memorial Day) - Party at our house. Apparently Shawn's family is coming.

Quite a lot planned for this weekend....

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