I feel a lot better.

Thanks for the concern.

I'll take it to heart.

But please take care of yourselves.

Well, after school ended - not just the school day, the school year (yay!) - Judy and Lily came over.

We ate a LOT of food. Well, kind of a lot.

We ate ramen (two packs, chicken flavored lol).

We ate a lot of tortilla chips with salsa and nacho cheese and spinach dip.

Who knew spinach dip would taste good?

Not that I don't like eating spinach - I don't really mind it - but using vegetables in dip (with tortilla chips at least) is kinda weird.

We also ate watermelon.

And drank milk, since that was the only beveragebesides water, gatorade, and this horrible green juice with a nasty-looking consistency. There were a lot of funky things in that "Green Goodness" that definitely was not good - especially in juice.

We weren't really sure what to do, so we ended up watching...dun dun dun...


We kinda just started watching it because there wasn't anything good to watch on t.v. and we wanted to watch something while we ate. So we just watched the whole thing.

It was pretty fun though. =)

Friday, I didn't really do anything memorable at home.

At Impact, we played (you guessed it) volleyball outside. Christine and I didn't actually play, we kind of just stood at the back, at the implied, invisible out-of-bounds line...But after a while, we walked back to the house and played some UNO and talked to Judy on Yvonne's phone.

Then for Impact, Collin (Ohms) came and talked about the switch between second and third (English and Mandarin) services. The JB actually made a DVD on reasons for the switch...Wasn't particularly long, but still...

Then we had ice cream bars after everything was over.

I actually got a TON of mosquito bites from being outside, not playing volleyball. I have 9 mostquito bites on my left leg, and one huge one on my right leg. And they itch like crazy!


LOL IT JUST LINKED THAT, but I unlinked it, of course.

Saturday, we didn't really do much either.

Parents talked to me about SAT and crap. :(

Today was pretty hectic.

I was supposed to leave earlier, so that I could do snack and ushering, since I was assigned both, but then for some reason, my dad felt it was necessary for him to give me a tour of our front and back yard.

I had to go with him since my mom had to pick up this old lady and David Dong, and had to take Allen to church too.

To make matters worse, after waiting next to the car for about 5 minutes, my dad finally came out of the house and we were able to go. However, he had conveniently neglected to tell me that he was supposed to pick up someone. Great.

To make matters even worse, we couldn't find the guy's house, even though he lived about 5 minutes pr so away. Turned out that we had a GPS, so we used that, which kinda took awhile for the address to be found and whatnot. Why hadn't we used that in the first place? Apparently Dad thought it would be easy to find the place. Since when did we get a GPS? Great, apparently it's "Alice Knows Nothing Day."

Turns out that at first, we had passed it, since we didn't know where to look for the numbers. So basically we went in a circle, when we wouldn't have if we used the GPS in the first place.

But apparently if we were to get into some sort of street race/chase and another car was trying to snipeus from his car, we'd be in good hands if guy we picked up drove.

Ironically, my dad was going at the speed of snail.

So when I had gotten to church, the service was starting, and my mom and allen (and everyone they picked up) arrived seconds after we did. The image of me hitting my head multiple times on a brick wall came to my head.

Since it would be virtually impossible for me to be at two places at the same time, I asked Allen to help pass the flyers (or whatever you call them) to people for me, after I apologixed to Yvonne for being so late and making sure she already had the microphones ready. I told Allen to come to the kitchen to tell me when singing ended, so that I could go back to the sanctuary for offering.

Meanwhile, I would start setting up snacks. Since it would have been nearly impossible to set up snacks by myself, I asked my mom to help. There was a slight problem with the tables, but that got fixed quickly.

Then Dannie showed up (thank God) and helped, since it was supposed to be partly her job too. Unfortunately, she didn't really remember how things went.

It ended up fine though. When worship (singing) ended, I went into the sanctuary for doing offering and the pastoral prayer (handing out the microphones) while Allen helped my mom and Dannie (and me) with prepring snacks. Apparently Phillip and Shawn helped too.

Thank you Phillip!

Thank you Shawn!

During the pastoral prayer, I went into the kitchen to check on how things were going.

Apparently, it wasn't necessary, since it was all done, and everything looked immaculate. Lol.

Thanks to everyone who helped, because without them, I don't know if I could finish everything in time by myself.

After worship was over as well as refreshment time, Christine helped me with cleaning up the area.

Then we went outside for Sunday School, which was combined, like last week, with the guys, since Mrs. Chou is in Taiwan.

Collin started off talking about how a study bible helped him a lot, and encouraged us to buy study bibles, with the permission of our parents. Then he kind of summarized what was being taught in the last chapter of Ephesians.

Then Christine went to do first lunch.

And dragged me with her.

We got to eat first (meatballs and the potatoes/zuchinnis/carrots).

Then we helped to put the food on the plates.

It was like an assmebly line, with this one guy at the rice, Christine with the veggies, and me with the meat, lined up in that order. It was very efficient. Some rice, some veggies, and three meatballs. Of course, with the occaisional "special order." Usually less of something.

Sunday school ended rather early - only a few minutes after we came inside for lunch duty.

We ended up having a LOT more meatballs than veggies, since there were 5 things of meatball and only 4 of veggies. Also, I think Christine put too much veggies at the beginning...

We had so many plates full,and I was lagging behind, since I had to put the meat on the plates and put them on the counter/set them aside (since we quickly ran out of room).

A lot disappered after the middle schoolers came in, along with the 5th and 6th graders, like a pack of starving wolves. They had combined Sunday School too, since Cris wasn't there.

After a while, we changed positions, and I was relieved of being at the end of the line.

We still had two huge things of meatballs, to only one for veggies. So, I we were told, "four meatballs, and less vegetables."

After the Chinese service was over, people came flooding in like a pack of wolves along with a pack of lions along with a pack of dragons, which don't exist so doesn't make it as hyperbolic, you know. Whatever, just don't mind that.

Anyways, we had to go at turbo speed to catch up with the steady rush of people comoing in to get lunch. It was a race.

One in which we lost.


Christine was like "Come on Rice Man!"

Lol. Yeah, I'd have to say it was the rice that dragged the team down.

Eventually, I started putting five meatballs on one plate.

Then...we ran out of vegetables.

So I just put a crapload of meatballs for each plate.

I think I'm going to become vegetarian for a day. The thought of meat right now makes me want to vomit.

Anyways, after that, Christine and I just roamed around the church, finding a place where Christine could actually get a signal in order to call Panera and see if she still had money on her card. Apparently she had two, but threw away one. One had money on it one didn't have money on it. We went to various rooms, while she started saying how T-Mobile sucked and everything. We ended up going to the cry room and, (glorious music) she had signal. So she called Panera, pressed 1, put in the number of the card/account, pressed pound, and pressed pound again.

Turns out...

You are NOT the father.


Turns out...

There WAS money on her card! About eight dollars.

She gave a shout of triumph, while I tried my hardest not to scratch my mosquito bites.

Then we got really bored.

So we played MASHO. Lol.

For Christine, she lived in a house in California, working as a janitor and married to Josh Yang. They had two kids and drove a Lexus (I think..). On their wedding day, Josh wore a red tuxedo while Christine wore a black wedding dress. Hey, at least they coordinate with each other.

She actually got pretty lucky. The tuxedo color that she ended up getting was one that she picked, comparable to the possible camouflage, duck-print, and eye-blindingly shiny tuxedoes that she could've gotten, courtesy of none other than me. She got to choose 3, and I got to choose 3. Her choices for place to live were New York, California, England, Russia, Germany, and Denmark. Guess which three I chose? Not very hard to guess, I know.

We didn't do a MASHO for me. Really. I'm not lying. If we did do one, I would say that we did one, but I probably wouldn't tell you what I got.

And while we were talking and stuff, I forgot that my dad had asked me to help with second lunch as well. How interesting...Ushering, Snacks, 1st Lunch, AND 2nd Lunch in the same day? A bit crazy.

But like I said, I had forgot, and nobody came to get me.

I guess it was because my dad (who lead second lunch service) knew that I was doing snacks and ushering and stuff? Anyways, it was just to fill in for Cris and Jean, who weren't there, due to I think some kind of outing for the Transitions fellowship. Actually I'm not really sure if Cris and Jean not being here was related to the Transitions outing...Maybe I added two and two together, when I was supposed to subtract. Or something.

Shawn came over after church. He and Allen went swimming at the C. They got in without a pass.

Sigh, I have to clean my dump of a room and clear it out for carpet installation later this week. We're moving everything from the first floor into either the basement or the garage.

My temporary room will be in the basement, since that's where we're moving all of my stuff and my bed.

I hope this will really be temporary because guess what, Allen's temporary room will be in the basement as well. Oh gee, could I ask for a better or louder birthday present?

Let's see to what lengths I'll go to survive being in the same vincinity as my brother every waking and sleeping moment of my life for at least three days. Not that I don't already see enough of him.

People ask me how I live with Allen.

To answer that, I really don't know.

It's like goat liver, or some other exotic way of eating an exotic part of an exotic animal - it's an acquired taste, so to speak. You kind of just have to get used to it.

Having Allen as a brother has some ups, some downs. But in the end I'm still stuck with him until the rest of my high school career.

...Pray for me.

Anyways, it turns out we're not going to China. Because of the stupid H1N1 virus.

My dad called our relatives, since they are the main reason for going back to China, and they advised that we wait until the pandemic is over to go back and visit. Sigh.

It would be pretty sucky if we had to be quarantined/isolated for a week and missed the first week of school...

There are apparently many cases in Tokyo, where we planned to stop.

Hope Judy and Lily stay safe and don't get the virus...

So now, I don't know what we're going to do this summer, in regards to vacation. Mexico! That's what Allen suggested. That's a joke. Well, I hope he meant it to be a joke. Apparently, my parents are restricted to go there because of their bosses/jobs/companies...something like that. But if we didn't go to China because we were trying to avoid the swine flu, Mexico would be the last place we'd want to go. There'd be no reason to. Maybe to see the alpacas, but that'd be it. Maybe not even to see the alpacas.

Anyways, happy 18th birthday Judy!!!!

Sorry I haven't gotten you anything, but I'll give you your present once you come back from Taiwan :)

Which reminds me, anything specific you want?

Also, Happy Summer Vacation everyone!

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