I suggest you not read this post until you have no more homework left.

Or if you know you won't get sidetracked....

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Lol...okay? That's good to hear?

Do you talk too much in your blog?

I seriously doubt the accuracy of this thing. But whatever...maybe people really do type a lot in their posts...

 ....Yeah, fail. Though I'm surprised I even got that many right.

I named 24 disney films in 7 minutes How many classic disney films can you name in 7 minutes?

Hmm...I'm surprised I remembered that many. And surprised that I'd forgotten some.

I named 27 US capitals in 10 minutes How many US capitals can you name in 10 minutes?

Same with this one.

I named 15 organs in 4 minutes! How many internal organs can you name in 4 minutes?

Hmm....most of the ones I missed were ones that are located in the lower part of the body...

I named 50 US states in 10 minutes How many US states can you name in 10 minutes?

It actually only took me a little less than 4 minutes to come up with 49. And I finished with 4:49 to spare. Man, I can't believe that Wisconsin was the last one. But then again, it's good that Wisconsin was the last one, otherwise it would have taken a lot longer if it were some obscure state like...Nebraska...



How worldly are your tastes?

Hm, apparently I'm "moderately experienced in the foods of the world."



Haha, believe me, I would never eat one of you if I were trapped and starving.

What would you taste like to a cannibal?

However, if you don't mind turning to cannibalism and if you were trapped and starving while I was with you, apparently I taste like mesquite fish. And I don't think I'd blame you for eating me (though I would be surprised and most likely fight back on instinct) because I probably would have been the one who got us into that stupid situation in the first place.

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?

This would be alarming, except I cheated. I used two fingers to press the button lol

Name That Robot

If you can't see the picture....Apparently I failed at naming the robots with a 38%...

Name That Movie Villain


I completely guessed on some of these. I lol'd when I chose a completely random name for the first one, and got it right. I didn't even consider which name would fit the person (in regards to facial/physical features) best...

Name That Candy Bar

Yeah, some of this was somewhat of a guessing game for me, too....Though the M&Ms were obvious...

Name That Beer Label

Hmm...Well, I got Tsingtao lol...

Name That Code

Aww....at least I got the one that's Java correct.

Name That Color

Surprisingly difficult. But, uh, fun? Many of the colors I put for the one color test (you'll see which one I mean later on) were taken off of taking this quiz.

Name That Dog Breed

Yeah, I know. I fail. Oh well, I was never terribly interested in animals and animal breeds...

Name That Element

Hmph, disappointingly easy.

Name that Cloud

LMAO EPIC PHAIL. This one, as opposed to the chemical elements quiz, was very difficult. They only ones I got right, if I remember correctly, were cirrus and I think nimbostratus? Sigh...I learned these in second grade, so I don't remember the names at all...



Interesting and somewhat difficult. And yeah, this was the quiz I was referring to.


Name that Soda

....No comment?

I'm so nerdy that I actually thought that this was fun. Haha.
I named 9 planets in 30 seconds Can you name all the planets in our solar system? (in 30 seconds)
This was really easy. If you plan on taking this quiz, don't forget to include Pluto.
Woot woot. Except I would definitely, and possibly violently, resist to being used as a human shield.
How many cannibals could your body feed?
If no picture shows....well it's supposed to say that my body can feed 8 cannibals...
The biggest thing that brought me down was the morality issue.
How Many 90 Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
Same as with the 5 year-olds...morality brings that number way down.
How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?
Um...yay? I don't know if this is considered long, or short...but I'm thinking that that's got to be pretty long.
And it said this:
"Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 23 seconds !

In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due to the pressure in your body trying to equalize with the vacuum outside. Unlike what some science fiction films have suggested, your body would not explode.

After the first 15 seconds you would lose consciousness. If you held your breath you could potentially stay alive longer but you risk pulmonary trauma. If you didn't hold your breath you'd pass out sooner, but your lungs might have a better chance of avoiding permanent damage.

The pressure in your veins would rise until your heart no longer had the capacity to pump blood, at which point you'd die. "

How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?
I just estimated on the number of pounds of food in our house. Actually, I didn't even do that. I just said 100 pounds, although we probably have much more than that...


Right...since there'll definitely be one. As for the real apocolypse, I hope I wouldn't be around for that..

What are your chances of surviving a 100 foot fall?

Hmm, so then I'm thinking that's not the best way for me to suicide....jk.

How long could you survive trapped inside your kitchen freezer?

Apparently I could survive in my kitchen freezer for "5 HOURS!"


What are your chances of surviving a bear attack?

Aww, thanks! (sarcasm)

$5500.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.


How much of your body could be recycled?

 Well this is good to know...

149,142 People

Unusual Deaths in 1993:


  • **Brandon lee, son of bruce lee, was shot and killed by a prop .44 magnum gun while filming the movie the crow. a cartridge with only a primer and a bullet was fired in the pistol prior to the scene brandon was in; this caused a squib load, in which the primer provided enough force to push the bullet out of the cartridge and into the barrel of the revolver, where it became stuck. the malfunction went unnoticed by the crew, and the same gun was used again later to shoot the death scene, having been re-loaded with blanks. however, the squib load was still lodged in the barrel, and was propelled by the blank cartridge's explosion out of the barrel and into lee's body. although the bullet was traveling much slower than a normally fired bullet would be, the bullet's large size and the nearly point-blank firing distance made it powerful enough to severely wound lee. it was not instantly recognized by the crew or other actors; they believed he was still acting. interestingly, the incident was almost an exact replica of a scene in his father bruce lee's last film "game of death", during the filming of which bruce lee also died. even more bizarrely yet; the plot of game of death revolved around bruce lee's character, a kung-fu actor, faking his own death - by pretending to have been hit by an accidentally fired real bullet while filming a scene where hundreds of blanks were fired at him.
  • **Garry hoy, a toronto lawyer, fell to his death after he threw himself through the glass wall on the 24th floor of the toronto-dominion centre in order to prove the glass was "unbreakable."

Natural disasters in 1993: 

  • **Great Flood of 1993
  • **Storm of the Century (1993)
  • **Virginia Tornado Outbreak

People who died on June 06 (various years):

  • 2006 - Arnold Newman, American photographer
  • 2006 - Hilton Ruiz, Puerto Rican-American jazz pianist
  • 2006 - Billy Preston, American musician
  • 2005 - Dana Elcar, American actor
  • 2005 - Anne Bancroft, American actress
  • 2003 - Dave Rowberry, British musician (The Animals)
  • 2003 - Ken Grimwood, American writer
  • 2002 - Robbin Crosby, American guitarist (Ratt)
  • 2000 - Frédéric Dard, French writer
  • 1999 - Anne Haddy, Australian actress
  • 1996 - George Davis Snell, American geneticist, Nobel laureate
  • 1994 - Barry Sullivan, American actor
  • 1994 - Mark McManus, Scottish actor (Taggart)
  • 1992 - Larry Riley, American actor
  • 1991 - Stan Getz, American musician
  • 1984 - A. Bertram Chandler, Australian author
  • 1982 - Kenneth Rexroth, American poet
  • 1981 - Carleton S. Coon, American anthropologist
  • 1979 - Jack Haley, American actor
  • 1976 - Victor Varconi, Hungarian actor
  • 1976 - J. Paul Getty, American industrialist
  • 1975 - Larry Blyden, American actor
  • 1968 - Randolph Churchill, son of Winston Churchill       (oooh someone I've actually heard of. well not really, I've only really heard of Winston Churchill...)
  • 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy, United States Attorney General and Senator   (Finally someone I've actually heard of)
  • 1962 - Yves Klein, French artist
  • 1961 - Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist       (hey another person I've actually heard of)
  • 1955 - Max Meldrum, Scottish-born Australian painter
  • 1951 - Olive Tell, American actress
  • 1948 - Louis Lumière, French movie pioneer
  • 1946 - Gerhart Hauptmann, German dramatist, Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1941 - Louis Chevrolet, American automotive pioneer
  • 1935 - Julian Byng, British army officer
  • 1934 - Julije Kempf, Croatian historian and writer
  • 1922 - Lillian Russell, American actress
  • 1916 - Yuan Shikai, Chinese military officer and politician          (ASIAN)
  • 1891 - John A. Macdonald, 1st Prime Minister of Canada           (oooh first prime minister of Canada)
  • 1881 - Henri Vieuxtemps, Belgian composer
  • 1878 - Robert Stirling, Scottish inventor
  • 1865 - William Quantrill, American Confederate raider
  • 1861 - Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Prime Minister of Italy       (oooh prime minister of Italy)
  • 1843 - Friedrich Hölderlin, German poet and dramatist
  • 1840 - Marcellin Champagnat, French priest
  • 1832 - Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher
  • 1813 - Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart, French architect
  • 1799 - Patrick Henry, American revolutionary
  • 1784 - Joan van der Capellen tot den Pol, Dutch politician
  • 1740 - Alexander Spotswood, British governor of Virginia Colony
  • 1730 - Alain Emmanuel de Coëtlogon, Marshal of France
  • 1583 - Nakagawa Kiyohide, Japanese warlord      (ASIAN. And a Japanese warlord haha)
  • 1563 - Ikeda Nagamasa, Japanese samurai commander   (ASIAN. aaww yeah, samurai commander)
  • 1548 - Juan de Castro, Portuguese explorer
  • 1480 - Vecchietta, Italian artist and architect
  • 1393 - Emperor Go-En'yu of Japan       (Aww yeah, a Japanese emperor died on my birth day....the fifth one, if I'm not mistaken)


Might I add that D-Day (Operation OVERLORD commencing date) was on June 6th as well. A great offensive for the Allied Powers in World War II.



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